Equipment Stand

So, after 33 years I am in the process of correcting a terrible mistake I made when I sold my turntable and vinyl record collection; I am getting back into analog! Turntable is on order; Michell Engineering GyroDec (full plinth, not the SE version) which I plan to use with an SME IV or V tonearm, cartridge TBD. Preamp is a McIntosh C50 with a McIntosh MC275-MK VI tube power amp. And now for the really interesting bit; speakers will be a pair of fully refurbished  Gale GS401A's. For those of you not familiar with Gale speakers here is a link:

I am looking for a very modern (glass & chrome?) equipment stand to house the electronics and turntable. Any recommendations would be very much appreciated. Similarly, advice on dealers in the Chicago area who stock this type of product would be useful. My budget is $1k to $2k.




Showing 2 responses by lalitk

Check out PlyKraft from Core Audio Designs. They are not cheap but they are built for life and provides very effective isolation. 

Just pick up the phone and speak to Arnold Marr, you wouldn't feel the need to shop anywhere else.


Glad to hear you are delighted with your purchase of PlyKraft 3L.  

Good luck with your turntable project and many years of musical bliss!!!!