Equipment Stand placement?

With so much focus on reducing vibration and other environmental detriments to good sound, I wonder where the best placement for the equipment rack in a listening room would be. It seems that with rear-ported speakers that are out from the back wall, that putting the equipment along the back wall between the speakers would be subjecting it to increased vibration. Putting it along a side wall puts it more in line with the first reflection point, and therefore more sound waves.

What are people's preferences for sound rack placment and why? -Kirk


Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

kthomas: earlier this year, i reconfigured my system placement to replicate what megasam calls the "theoretical ideal set-up." my equipment rack is now on the right-side wall, aft of the first reflection point. the only thing between my speakers is my amp. when i moved the rack, i also put up 7 asc sound panels between and in back of the speakers (there had already been tube traps in the corners.) this relatively simple change brought about, for me, one of the biggest improvements i ever made in my audio system. the soundstage became much deeper and wider. image placement was more stable and airy. bass was tighter and deeper. yes, this required a single 7 meter run of balanced interconnects but it was well worth it in my view. indeed, i'll never allow a rack, or anything else but an amp, between my speakers again. -kelly