Equipment Rack Between Speakers...Good or Bad

This question came up in another current thread and I thought it would be more appropriate to start a new thread to address it. My rack is between my speakers. In the past I have tried it off to the side and didn't notice any sonic advantage. I have seen in in the past that there are some strong feelings on this subject, and I am interested in hearing what everyone has to say.

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Not sure about the acoustics as I’ve never had my rack in between my speakers.  But my buddy just had a larger, taller rack made for his equipment which sits behind and between his speakers.  The rack is very nice looking, but even so for me it slightly disturbs the aesthetics of the listening experience.  In my home my source equipment is in another room from my speakers, and I’m used to experiencing the imaging/soundstagong  sensation of musicians playing in a shape-shifting venue between and behind my speakers.

This is somewhat thwarted at my friend’s place by staring at a large wall of equipment and lights sitting in between the speakers.  It was a better listening experience when he had his much shorter rack between his speakers.

But that’s a subjective impression.  I know lots of us audiophiles are gear heads who really like to stare at all their equipment when listening to music.