Environment for Magnapan LRS

I want to try a pair of LRS as an alternative to my KEF Reference 1s. The room is 14' X 19' X 8', and the wall behind the speakers is covered with tight carpet and a 100" projection screen. Is that likely to be a problem? The LRS will be powered by either an Ayre VX-5 Twenty or Parasound JC 1 monoblocks.


Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd

Looks like you'll have plenty of power. I'm unsure what the carpet on the wall will do as Magnepan usually recommends diffusers. In a room that size you may want to try a 1.7i or 3.7i if budget permits. Remember to experiment with speaker placement and start about 3' from the wall behind the speakers.

The purpose of the carpet is to control splash beyond the screen from projection.  I think I may try painting diffusors black and mounting them on the carpet behind the speakers.  The KEFs sound terrific in this setting.  Might they sound even better with diffusors, perhaps.
