
..its a band from years ago...anytime I listen to it I'm aghast how wonderful it is for me.   I listen to it on Ayre C5xemp CD player, Sennhieser 650 earphones from a dedicated amp.....the sound is glorious.  The album Is a CD..Le Roi Est Mort..Vive Le Roi (The Kind is dead...long live the King).  Very highly recommended for sound, music and immersion. I have a number of their albums...all great.
The first time I heard Enigma was on an FM station in California. I was in a rental car on a business trip driving north on I-5 from San Diego en route to Laguna Niguel. The blue Pacific on my left and the sunlit golden  hills on the right. 

As soon as I got home to wintry Michigan, I went out and bought all the Enigma albums I could find, The sound never fails to remind me of that drive. 

Thanks for the idea. Gonna queue them up right now....
Wow! Haven't heard that name in awhile...

Wasn't into them at the time, but clearly remember how popular they were with friends.
Great stuff for  get together/ambient  music to enjoy, but not actually "listen" to. Another group comes to mind, but different- Art of Noise. 

Many cool electronic bands in the 90's. I don't listen to any, but now and then a CD from both get played. Enigma definitely cool atmosphere music.

The great thing about electronic music is a CD and decent deck is all that's needed!
Never paid attention to Cretu before but I see your point. Immersive, digital and headphone optimized. Not bad on a 5.1 rig either.
Pretty colors for vinyl freakazoids
I'm an Enigma fan as well, love their music. Immersive is right.

I have;
Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi
The Cross of Changes

One of my favorite songs; Return to Innocence
If you guys like Enigma, I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend Delerium's Semantic Spaces and Kharma.  Another guy in the same realm is Amethystium.  Check them out.  Seriously. 
I have the Enigma - The cross of changes 24ct. Gold with remixes album
I had Delerium's Karma - however I can't find it, Silence being my fav track.
**just went on Ebay and purchased Karma the limited edition 2 disk with 6 bonus tracks & HYBRID Remixed**

@stringreen - thanks for the reminder mate.

Deep Forest and Hybrid (from the UK) may interest those who enjoy Enigma.

Hard to believe 30 years have past since that first album. It was love at first listen for me. I have the first 5 albums and a couple of singles. Still listen on occasion.