English langauge instructions for Gran Finale ?

Hi there,
I recently bought a pair of Gran Finale MK 11 speaker cables.
I love these but the settings are driving me nuts. My instructions are all in German which I can understand up to a point. I wondered if anyone could help with a set in English. Also I assume it is ok to chage settings while music is playing. I am using these with Muscial Fidelity Nu-Vista amp cd & aDIO Physic Virgos. any help appreciated.

Showing 1 response by fiddler

Aloha Simon,

I don't have the HMS speaker cables, but I have all HMS Gran Finale IC's.

I concur with Mike's instructions. After listening through all of the different settings, I too found neutral as the best. There was a dramatic thinning of the sound at some settings, depending on where the IC was located in my chain.

I did not ever find any setting that was an improvement over neutral. YMMV

And BTW, I love these cables. I use the HMS digital cable as well.

There is something about these cables that is hard to describe. Easy to hear, just hard to describe. I and others have used the term "organic", but I am not sure that really translates into anything meaningful until you hear it.
