Energy Veritas 2.1 sound too lean

I recently purchased a pair of Veritas 2.1 monitors and have reached the recommended 100 hour break-in period.
Overall the speakers sound great except for male vocalists who sound quite lean and slightly to the rear of the soundstage. I'm playing CD's through my Creek integrated amp sound which normally sounds fuller and more robust on my old mini-monitors. I can't seem to get the timbre and/or harmonics that I think these speakers should reproduce with male voices.
Anyone else have a similar problem? Possible solutions?

Showing 1 response by artmaltman

Tunes4me is exactly right on the breakin process - 12 or 24 hours of that breakin process has given me amazing results. But he forgot to mention that you need, for best results, a mono recording or a mono switch on your amp or source. And, be CAREFUL. Since the sounds will cancel out, you need to be careful as to how loud you drive the speakers. You can certainly play them much louder than perhaps you normally would at home but don't drive them to damage. What I do is experiement with volume settings prior to setting up the breakin process.

Yes, new speakers sound lean, especially metal drivers.
