Emotiva RMC-1 or RMC-1L

Has anyone experienced any of these processors and if so, how may it compare to my Primare SP32HD? 
Thx in advance. Bacardi

Showing 2 responses by auxinput

soix is probably talking about their first processors (the UMC-1).  Those has massive amounts of problems and bugs.  The newer processors are better.

I tested the XMC-1.  It used switching power supply and some rather low speed (low slew rate) op amps.  They did not really have good localized power supply capacitors around the audio circuits.  While the product was very good for the money, it just did not have the midrange resolution.  Separation of instruments wasn't good and it felt like the sound was veiled and far away.  Somewhat closed in as well.

The RMC uses the same switching power supply architecture.  I suspect that they would use the same or similar audio stages, but just added a lot more for 16 channels.  I think their preamps and pre/pros are voiced for their amps, which can be on the fast and bright sounding side.

I would guess that the Primare would still be significantly superior.  I saw your other post asking for the upgraded 4K HDMI board.  I don't think you are going to get any responses here.  You are probably better off trying to buy the 4KVM UHD board from a dealer (with possibly a discount).
@soix - to be honest, I only had the XMC-1 in my system for a very short time (less than 2 weeks) and I did not do extensive testing and use.  For the $2500 price tag, it was a good buy, but there are better alternatives for sound quality.

@bacardi - based on your original post, I am assuming you are looking for a 4K compatible processor.  The Classe SSP is older technology and only support HDMI 1.4 1080p.  That being said, there are other processors that do not have oncreen menus (Bryston and Theta do this).  You could try looking at a Krell Foundation 4K UHD, unless you want more than 7.1 channels.