Emotiva owner announces the end of Sherbourn?

Dan Laufman, the owner/president of both Sherbourn and Emotiva has announced that he will be "merging" the Sherbourn line into Emotiva and Emotiva pro products. Of course what that really means is the end of the former fine Sherbourn name.

He says he's doing this because the customers were saying the following:
“Why can’t Emotiva do the same thing Sherbourn does?”(I can't imagine why someone would think this as Sherbourn did not sell well under Laufman) You told us, “Having two lines is confusing.” And you said, “Why don’t you take the best of Sherbourn and merge it with Emotiva?

What it looks like is the takeover and sales strategy of Sherbourn was a failure. Many of the Sherbourn products were nothing more than Emotiva products with a few tweaks, built at the same factory but retailing for twice as much. Anyone knowing this would be tempted to just buy the cheaper Emotiva version.

This follows the failure of integrating the TacT room correction software into the still unreleased Emotiva XMC-1 processor, now 2 years late, which they've gone silent on once again. One wonders if Bob Carver has any sway on ensuring that his company will do well with the Emotiva partnership. Time will tell I guess.

Any thoughts on this?

Showing 1 response by glenfihi

Too bad in the sense that the Sherbourn line look was a little more appealing IMO. Price wise the line was a bit more on some items.

The Emotiva value is hard too beat. As to the relationship with Carver I yet have to see it to believe it.