Need info about the Sherbourn PT-7010A

Is anyone using the new Sherbourn PT-7010A pre-processor. I am interested in this pre pro, but cant find any reviews about it. Thanks for any comments.
There is a new review on Audioholics of the Emotiva DMC-1 which the owners of Sherbourn have pointed me to as the unit is the same internals and from the same manufacturer as the PT-7010A;

The Sherbourn, Emotiva and Sunfire processors mentioned in the comparasion chart in the review all come from the same base Bob Carver design. The chart in the review adequately conveys what I have been told are the only differences between the 3 units in question.

Personally, I own a new PT-7010A and a Sherbourn 7/2100A Amplifier and have been very pleased with both purchases and the level of support I have received from Sherbourn.


MarkW (Zephyr24069)
by Zephyr24069