EMIM from 4.5 infinity has anyone rebuilt?

I bought a pair of Infinity 4.5's with 1 bad EMIM midrange, anybody ever opened one? anybody have one they want to sell? Anybody know of anyone that rebuilds?


Showing 1 response by qwerty113820006e03

The German replacements are, unfortunately, quite inferior. They are of a substandard material (coloured) and are not capable of the same frequency response. Remember the original (pre kappa) EMITs are capable of reproducing frequencies in the near 40Ks, and the SEMITS well above that. Many of the Reference series Infinity's were crossed at 150Hz (adjustable using the electronic active crossover), and these units cannot take the load. I offer this not as opinion, but as experience. Your best bet is to order a replacement ribbon from Genesis Technologies. Yes, it is expensive, but it uses the neo magnets as well as the Kapton diaphragm used in the EMITS, SEMITS, EMIT-Rs, and L-EMIMs.