speakers for my rebuilt marantz 2325

I have been raising children the last 20 years,and every time I tried
to listen to music I was disturbed. I have an acceptable 3.1 for movies, but I wanted a stereo for music. I really didn't know where to start. Searching e-bay I found a nice Marantz 2325. I'm having a complete restoration done. There is not a great selection of speakers locally, so I've been looking online. I've agreed to purchase a pair of Spendor S8e speakers. Is this a match? When I first started with the idea of my own stereo, I didn't know about companies like Musical Fidelity. Had I started with the selection of the Spendors first, I might have chosen a different amp. I like the old Marantz, but I want the Spendors to sound good. I'm not an audiophile but I do like an accurate good sound. Any comments or suggestions welcome.

I believe the Marantz 2325 and the Spendor S8e should work and sound very well together, especially since you're having the Marantz completely restored. Enjoy the Music.
Good call! I would have never thought of the Spendor. Many of the receivers of the mid-'70s wouldn't have the power to bring any but the most sensitive speakers alive, but with 125 wpc and its smooth tonality, the 2325 should be a good match for the Spendor, and you'll be getting an excellent tuner and MM phono stage in the package.