Elvis Presley Fans?

How many of you are Elvis fans My mom grew up during his era of fame and always played his music when I was growing up. I enjoy almost every song he ever performed.

Showing 2 responses by ps68

I admit to being very envious of you guy's that have visited Graceland and Sun Studios, along with other stories of Elvis. For me, he has always stood above all others for his vocal ability and creative control of the music they all made. Some great clarification above on his vocal range, thanks for that :-). I get pretty defensive when people, usually young uns here in England dismiss him for how he became towards the end with little or no attempt to understand how and why he became the world biggest and first real superstar. And when I read that he was a fair singer, well lets just leave that til we meet eh? Elvis Presley will not be surpassed, that I can promise you..