Electronics for Harbeth, Especially Monitor 40 series

Has anyone tried matching "fast" solid-state to the big Harbeths. Something like Goldmund, Soulution, Spectral, etc. The speakers have great tone but can be a little stodgy. I was wondering if this would open them up a bit. Also, has anyone tried using an LDR passive such as Tortuga or Lightspeed for the same reason

Showing 2 responses by jayrossi13


Hi Vinnie, how much toe-in do you have with your 40.1s in the configuration discussed above?

Also, a LIO with DHT linestage sounds really interesting. I've owned one of your RWA 30.2 amps, I really enjoyed it. 


I experimented a bit this weekend with this config; it worked really well with my SHL5+. 

The depth of sound stage and the presence of the performers is really amazing. I also have three Argent Roomlens (one in between the speakers, approx. 6' behind, and one flanking each speaker). 

Thanks for the insight, I can see why an "off the grid" amp would perform really well this close to the speakers (I can hear some noise that I couldn't previously hear from 7' away). 
