Electrocompaniet CDP

I am demoing a EMC-1UP CDP from a local dealer. I have always liked this cdp from a distance and am growing fond of it for the few days I have had it so far. Some worries, I really love my vinyl and once I get my new Cart. upgrade and walker motor controler I will love my vinyl even more, (i.e. what do I need a cd player upgrade for?), and I don't know much about the company. Any experience with customer service, realiablity, repairs, US distributor etc? I like the unit, it integrates well into my system and looks great but there are many choices out there and this is not a player the graces the american reviewers desk much. Thanks in advance. PS, system is posted.
I have owned Acoustat's for a very very long time more than 20 years they are very forgiving speakers in the high frequencys that is one of the reasons that i like them so much and with the Electrocompaniet that is just a little bit forward it makes a very good match at least for ME and this unit is built like a tank AND i also like it's looks so at least for now i am a very happy audiophile bought the unit used 2 years old paid one third of it's list price the gamble is well worth it i ALWAYS buy used i'm not a rich man i have champagne taste with beer money
You may be right the Acoustat's are very forgiven panels probably the EMC-1up wakes them up just a little bit anyways i love the match

I would not rate the EMC-1 as "liquid". I think it is very powerful, detailed and a bit forward. I do like the EMC-1 look, build too. I never used the EMC-1 with balanced cables. A lot of people said that it would be much better than the RCA cables.

I have used Arcam CDPs (FMJ23, FMJ36) and really like them. They are more laidback than the EMC-1. They cannot compare to the EMC-1 for the look anyway. Did you consider separate, like Kora Hermes DAC which I read very good reviews. If only money is not an issue.
Hi i have been an audiophile for more than 40 years with 30 of those years with Acoustat's electrostatic speakers yes i am a faithfull panel guy i have owned many very high end cd players in the last 30 years or so most of them Meridian because i tend to prefer a laid back sound to a lively more detail sound but with the Electrocompaniet EMC-1up i have both something i once tought impossible but now i know that you can have detail and smooth sound together yes i love my Electrocompaniet very much and if something ever happens i am blessed with very good tech friends wich one of them is the man behind Tenor Audio so i think i am in good hands

I see you use Shunyata power cords,if at all possible you should really give a listen to the Electrocompaniet being feed by a Shunyata Phyton VX,it brings the 1-up to a level that you must hear to believe.

Also the pairing of the 1-up, Python,and a Whest Audio Dap-10 makes for a hands down contender for some of the best digital play-back that I have ever heard.Its a really musical combination that has to be heard.

Good Listening
Thanks for the suggestion of the NOS DAC. I have not considered a new dac as I am very conservative about adding things to the system but this may be the way to go. I did have a conversation with Red Wine Audio on their Isabellina and that may be a great addition to my Arcam. I also got a wonderful e-mail back from World HiFi, the new distributor of Electrocompaniet and it was a complete and sincere address of many of my concerns. I think that for tonight I will just sit back and listen to the Viking sing and worry about spending money tomorrow. Thanks again for your comments and advise. PS, if anyone has experience with the Isabella or Isabellina I would love to hear from you. They really appeal to my 75% Italian blood. (25% Norwegian, probably why I like the Electo?)
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Your liquid vs. air comment makes me think you might prefer the sound of a non-oversampling(aka NOS, not to be confused with New-Old-Stock tubes) dac. They tend to have less emphasis on leading edges of notes, and more on decay. Translates to less detailed, but often more natural sounding. Many players and dacs are designed this way. Cheers,

Dungn, I currently have an Arcam FMJ33. I have heard the FMJ36 in my system, an esoteric, (forget the model, was one of the lower end if that can be applied to esoteric and a universal). These were in my system with the dynaudio special 25's. I have also heard in different system the Naim CDx2, liked it a lot, CDx5, also nice but not the CDx2. I have also listened the an Ayre 7, if forget all the numbers and letters but it was not the newest Ayre upgrade. There are many very good CDP's out there. I tend not to favor the super detailed, airy, sound but prefere a more warm, liquid, detailed sound. Listen to rock once a month or less, chamber music, acoustic jazz, acoustic music, guitar, cello stuff like that. I play the cello as well and want the instrument to sound like a wood cello if it is wood, not a carbon cello. I must say that if the Electro had a strong dealer network, established distributor and a track record of excellent customer service I would probably keep the ECM-1. The dealer network and distributor are changing, and I would not want to be out in the cold with service issues in a few years. I don't know that Electrocompaniet is anything but supportive but I really don't know much about them. Sorry for the long reply. And yes, I did send an e-mail to the new distributor, haven't heard back yet and will discuss the above with my retailer. Thanks.

"I like the unit, it integrates well into my system and looks great but there are many choices out there and this is not a player the graces the american reviewers desk much"

Can i ask which players that you refered to as "many choices out there". Did you compare them with the EMC-1 UP? I also own the EMC-1 UP AND I also like vinyls. I listen to them both. I don't think you can compare the sound of EMC-1 to the vinyl sound although a lot of people claimed that the EMC-1 was one of the most analog sound CDP's. Which CDp are you owning now? Maybe this is the good point to start with.
I've also owned this player for about 5 years and had no problems whatsoever. It is a great sounding player.

I owned this player for 3 years and "never" had a problem with it.It is one fine music making machine and I would recommend it highly.

Clement Perry did a review of it on his Stereotimes.com web site.You can go to the archives and look up the review. Mr.Perry gave a rave and I couldn't agree more,the EMC-1UP is one of those hidden gems in the audio world.

Good listening...

So how does the thing sound? How does it compare with other brands? I've been told some good things about this piece.
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Thanks Tvad. But you know, I would like other peoples experience as well. It seems odd that asking other peoples experience would be a problem. I did talk to my dealer, and I also value the experience of people on this site that might have more experience with this product than me. Is there really a goal to your reply or are you just trying to call me an idiot.
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