Electraglide Epiphany -X VS Shunyata

Hello Friends,
has anyone compared the Electraglide to the Shunyata without getting to technical and in plain english WHICH ONE IS BETTER!!!!!!! WOULD BE USING ON POWER AMP. I listen to jazz, light pop. Thanks for your help again!!!!!!
LEONX: The new Shunyata Python Helix works very fine with sources as well (in my oppinion it exceeds the qualities of the previous (non Helix) Anaconda VX - at least when connected to my DV-50 S). Haven´t tried the PAD you mention.
I was told recently that the two pin version of the EG E X(Schucko wall plug) differs due to the fact that it is grounded (more focussed and tight, quieter + better baseline) from the US ICE wall plug. Don´t know if that is true but probably thats the reason why my listening impressions with that particular product differ slightly from yours.
Try the new Purist Audio Aqueous powercable. I did a lot of investment in cables. Tried many in my system. But this one knocked me down. For poweramps the best I've effer heard. When you are looking for the highest resolution for a pre-amp, source or conditioner try a Nordost Valhalla. Because I will let you hear things no other cable can do.
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Concerning the issue of Aesthetix and power cables, I heard the EG directly to the Kubala-Sosna Emotion with the Aesthetix Callisto Signature and both were mighty nice. The EG brought a bit more detail but I suspect this could be fatiguing after awhile. I found the K-S to have a more smooth and natural balance and thus bring less attention to itself. The latter issue and K-S's ultimate black background makes this more of a transparent cable in my book. But these two were more similar than different. It would come down to a personal preference....not synergy. Saying that one cable here is "better" than the other is not realistic. We focus too much on the issue of "better" rather than to try and identify differences.

A few months later when I was able to directly compare the K-S Emotion PC with the Dominus PC, the Dominus fleshed out more of the midrange textures and dimensionality ..... smooth, smooth smooth. And this to me is liquid.

The Dominus simply goes far deeper in the bottom octave than the others whether I tried it with the Manley DAC, the Aesthetix pieces or the CAT JL-3 amps. For me anyway, the Dominus allows more of the Callisto's and Io's unique strengths to come through than the other cables. But there was no denying the K-S's see-through quality with any component I tried it with compared to the Dominus. And this is one thing that impresses me greatly about the Emotion and the Dominus: the strengths that they bring to the table are consistent at any link in the system chain.

I don't think of this as an issue of synergy but rather to simply choose the product that most greatly brings forward the sonic attributes that are most important to each of us. For some it might be the ultimate in top-end extension and resolution, for others it may be all about decays and harmonic textures, or low-end extension and dynnaics. And keep in mind, we are "tuning" a system, not simply a preamp or a power amp or source component. Everything in the system, including the room, affects everything else.

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Tvad: if you order EG with Schucko plugs the cord is grounded. With Nagra gear I found PAD better than EG.
Nagra gear sounds thin with EG and very nice with Nagra gear. On the opposite: Audio Aero, Ayre, Aesthetix, Reimyo and Wadia sound much nicer with EG (more liquid, detailed and transparent + better soundstaging). So as always its a matter of system synergy. I bet with the top-of-the line cords from EG, PAD, Shunyata, Acoustic Zen, Omega Micro and a few others you can´t go wrong. Another nice cable from Germany is HMS.
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Leonx: which EG pc do you mean? I use three EG Epiphany in my system and find their performance absolutely amazing. Compared to the EG the Nordost misses body, texture, musicality and transparency. Furthermore I found out that Nordost pc´s do not work very well with the tube gear I´ve listend to in my system (Nagra, Aesthetix, Audio Aero and T+A).
HawaiiKid, I had the same opinion as yourself, especially on the RLS, I had compared with numerous cables, VD Nite 11, and Master, Elrod Statement, Shunyata Python, et. I always felt the Epipahany whas better, to my ears. When I saw an ad for a longer 20 amp Dominus, at a GREAT price, I had to try it. The difference was AMAZING to these ears, along with David Schulte, from the Upgrade Company. It really was quite difference in tonality, soundstage, imageing, et. If you are interested in comparing, email, or call me.

In my personal experience, the Epiphany X is an excellent power cord for source applications, pre-amps, and line conditioners (including the Sound Application RLS).

In regards to amplifiers, I have been satisfied with the Nordost Valhalla cord. Another cord to consider is Zcable's Cyclone (with a length of six feet or longer).
I sold my Epiphany X when I compared to Dominus 20 amp for my Sound Applications........WOW, the Dominus was immediately taking my system to another level, soundstage deeper, blacker background, better imaging, just WOW, and this was a brand new cord. I only bought it, cause I need longer than 3 feet, and I found one for hundreds less than a 6 foot X. I figured I would give it a try. I am totally BLOWN away. I am ordering MORE, along with some Kubala.
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I'm also using the Epiphany X on my APL 3910 with excellent results(replaced an Epiphany). Also replaced an Anaconda Alpha on my amp with an Elrod Statement - bulky but better sound to my ears in my system(more authority and control on bass, more open sounding on mids and highs)
I own both the Epiphany X and the Shunyata Anaconnda Alpha.
Different but great cables.
I dont recommend any Electraglide cords on high current drawing Amps.
For me the Shunyata on my Amp and the Electraglide X on my APL 3910 seems like a good match
Elextraglide is very good, but misses the lowest freq compared to cables as Purist Audio. Compared to a Valhalla it misses resolution. But it is still a very good cable
Thanks Guys,
I' ve been in this hobby long enough to know better! lots of trial and error.
Excellent points by Tvad but why only these two models? I heard the Electroglide Epiphany X as part of a multi power -cable shootout and it was mighty impressive. But so was the Kubala-Sosna Emotion that same time. And since then, I have tried the Purist Dominus and it has become my favorite in every component I have tried.

It might take you several iterations to do what Tvad has suggested before you really feel content with a purchase. But don't think that the world is only the Electraglide and Shunyata.

Tvad has hit the nail on the head. For what these cables sell for on the used market, buy both, and take a couple of weeks to see which fits your system best. Sell the other for what you paid. Best synergistic fit with peace of mind...
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