Echole vs Argento vs Kubala-Sosna?

Can anyone compare the sonic characteristics of Echole Obsession vs Argento Serenity vs Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects and/or speaker cables?


Showing 1 response by thastum

HI Samfreeman.
About 8 months ago i tested the Argento: Flow ic against the Echole Obsession 2009. I my set up which i would say is a very ballanced ultra highend ½ tube setup, i felt that dispite the high qualities of the Flow, it wasent as transparent and organic as the Obsession. The Flow was more forgiven to bad recordings but had a thin carpet effect and a lack of mickrodetails compared to the ultra quick and dynamic Obsession. My conclusion was, that in my set up the Flow was simply to tame and the Obsession just right.
On the speakercable side, i also compared the Obsession 2009 with a older Argento as well as Purist Audio: Dominus rev c ferrox / Protius provectus and Kondo ( top of line). None of them could deliver the magic of the Obsession. I do however think that the set up must be without any sharpness or edges because nothing is camuflaged. Maybee this is what somebody would call unmusical but my setup has the musicallity, clearness and transparent without any fatigue so i can allow to use a very open cable .The Obsession also defines the images superb, is very coherent and gives a lot of space around the musicians, you could call this lean but i feel its more autentic compared to real live music and maybee a ballanced match to the rest of my chain.
I think its obvious that i still love the Obsession and it replaced the Transparent: Opus 1. Good luck finding the right cable to your set up.