Echole vs Argento vs Kubala-Sosna?

Can anyone compare the sonic characteristics of Echole Obsession vs Argento Serenity vs Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects and/or speaker cables?


Showing 6 responses by ozy

the new siltech g7 signature line ,specifically the emperor and emperess models ,should be mentioned/auditioned
with this high -caliber lines of cables.

i echo your findings regarding the siltech g7. not sure what edwin and his team have done to improve the already excellent g6, but the leap that the curret siltech line up offers is really amazing.
i,too, have had my share with several known cables, but copmleted my cycle with the siltech g7.
their most noticeable attribute? lowest of lows noise floor , and life like timber.
have heard a very nice system a few weeks back all wired with argento flow, and flw mr... although the overall sound was very good, i couldn't help "picking out " the cables out of the system, as they their"signature" sound was very evident. i expereinced that "sound' in the past when i compared the argento line to the slitechs.
i brought with me only a pair of the siltech g7 empress s/c , and once inserted into that system, the noise floor dropped and the sound became so much more pallable... i believe the guy i was visiting is now looking to replace his argentos with the siltechs....fwiw....

if you can audition any of the g7 royal line by siltech,in your system for a couple of weeks, you just might find what you are looking for.......
please make sure that the siltech cables you might audition are very much broken in... otherwise you won't get their full potentil.

when i switched my digital cables from s/r to the g7 siltech golden eagle and golden ridge , it was as if smoeone polished my "sound window" and now i could hear so much more clearly into the soundstage, both width and depth -wise.
have not had the liveleine digital, but based on my encounter with their analog cables ,i'm sure the liveleines digitals are very good.
bottom line- get what makes music and sense to your ears.

from what i heard so far , the g7 is a pinnacle in audio cables.
i had siltech's g1,3,5 in variuos models and then moved on to other cable makers( transparent, synergisitc research, purist audio, stealth, pranawire, kimber), only to return back to the remarkable siltech g7. i think that they(siltech) improved their cables immensly, over the years!

please let me know what you think after trying them in your system.
btw, gryphon, plinius ,kharma and few other manufaturesrs use siltech intrnal wirings.