Echole vs Argento vs Kubala-Sosna?

Can anyone compare the sonic characteristics of Echole Obsession vs Argento Serenity vs Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects and/or speaker cables?


Showing 1 response by countguarneri


Strange that systems can be so different reacting on cables. I found in my system that the Echole Obsession 2009 sounded superior to the Argento Flow and Kubala-Sosna Elation. With the use of Echole Obsession 2009 I am not listening to cables anymore, and the speakers do really disappear in the listening room. The music is really organic, dynamic and the best mid-range I ever experienced. I changed my PranaWire Cosmos cables with Echole Obsession 2009, and my system is even sounding better (by a small margin but to be honest, well worth it)

I have had a complete set of Kubala, Argento, PranaWire and Stealth cables in my set, and didn't mix the brands to get to most out of it. Ones I compared the Stealth Dream Digital on the dCS Puccini cd-player, but the Echole was much better in every aspect (the Stealth was sounding thinner, and lacking mid-range and body) But if there is a synergy in the philosophy of the cable manufacturers, I found that a complete set of Echole Obsession did it for me.

I am a friend of a dealer of Kubala-Sosna, Argento, Echole, and Stealth so I will borrow some cables and try to mix them, and see if this is giving a better result.... The PranaWire I already sold, so I can't compare that one anymore.

