Early Merlin Speakers

Hi guys,

I have an opportunity to acquire a pair of PRE- VSM/TSM floor-standing Merlins.  Just wondering if any of you have any literature OR COMMENTS on any of those models (?).

Thanks Much.

 The most early models, had a foam wrap around all sides of the speaker.   These  would be models like the two way  model 1B or 2B, 3  way model 3B or the big 5 driver 3 way, the 4b.

 Later on they went to a cloth wrap tape design with a solid wood decorative piece on the rear of the speaker.  These had the EX or EXL prefix. I.e EXL2, EXL3 etc. 

 All the speakers pretty much shared the first-order crossover and mechanical time driver alignment in their design.  

 Then there was also the big top-of-the-line modesl, the Pendragon and the Excalibar.  
I have a pair of vsm-bm in my main listening room and a merlin 3 way speaker  which might be the b2 or b3 in our bedroom. My wife and I listen to music in bed every night and fall asleep with smiles on our faces. They are not as detailed as the Tsm's and vsm's but they still sound great.