EAR 834P - Sale or try and repair...

I have an EAR 834P and the volume is decreasing on the left channel. I opened the case and the tubes appear fine. However, there is some browning on the breadboard on one wire (coming from the toroidal power transformer), to the single phase bridge rectifier, and resistor (breadboard: P5, D3).

I have done some simple soldering (ex., DIY bottlehead amp) just not sure about diagnosis this issue.

  • Does anyone have any ideas on a possible repair?

Otherwise, I plan to post it on the forum for sale. Just hate to take a loss on the price if it is a simple part replacement.



If you're considering having someone fix it, I'd recommend emailing Mitch Singerman at itchmay1@yahoo.com

He knows the 834P  very well. He fixed mine and did a wonderful job on it. I can't recall exactly what the issue was with it, but when I eventually sold it, the new owner just raved how wonderful it sounded.

Thank you for Mitch's email... I have been interested in some of his modifications, but figured he was no longer in the business.

Ah, $750 is a bit lower than I expected. If Mitch is able to repair and mod, this might be the best route

I will respond back once I hear more!

BTW elrod; what preamp did you replace for the EAR and are you happy with the transition?

I have enjoyed with the EAR for ~ 10 years, but am curious to try something new. Just not sure what I would have to jump up to to notice a solid improvement in performance (and at what cost). 


I have a EAR clone and I think it competes up to the 2k range.  It's been a while but I would say it's close to something like a Tavish Adagio, at least on the MM side (I run my clone with a SUT, as I did the Adagio).

I did compare the clone to a Darlington Labs MP-7 and the MP-7 was pretty damn close to the Adagio.

When my Modwright was back at mother ship for upgrades, I didn't notice any major drop off with the clone.  I heard the clone is pretty close to the real deal so I would expect one would need to go into at least the $2k range to do better.

I've been eyeballing that one for sale locally, but last thing I need is another phono stage!

If you send it out, do the upgrades or at least upgrade the caps.  If you are running a MC cart, maybe try it with a good SUT.