It seems that e-bay is totally controlling the elevated shipping now.......I bought a small amp (14.5 lbs)in Ct and the shipping to Idaho without insurance was 90.00...........I was looking at some Audio Research front panels in SC and the shipping to Idaho was 45.00.......Shipping is getting like gas prices, no control........I checked with Fed-Ex about the shipping on the amp and they said 41.00 with insurance......I ask the seller to ship by Fed-Ex and he tells me its e-bays deal and he can't do anything about it.....Of course I had already paid for it...........Then I find out it was shipped by NEX ???     Read a review on that company.....All negatives  100 %

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Warning: this is slightly off topic.
Hey Autospec,
Bedini is a word you don't hear often. One of the best sounding setups I ever had was the Bedini 150/150 (I think) and the Bedini pre-amp and PSB Alpha speakers and the first gen Velodyne 15" sub. It was magical until my live-in girlfriends daughter stayed home sick from school and played everything at totally full volume and fried the transistors. Bedini had just gone out of business and my repair guy couldn't find any markings to identify the trannys (not those trannys) so the amp was trashed literally. So sad.
I want one and I also follow eBay for these.