Dynaudio c1 signature

Hi...im interested witch music instruments does this speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike...tnx
Xti...tell me...before your old dyns...witch speakers wou have owned...and witch manufacturers besides dynaudio you regard as good money/value option...and how much your dyns are far from back wall...how that affects on bass...do you use sub on your combo...(im starting asking questions like gestapo:)
OK I've been pushing the Octave with the Tung Sol 6550 solid grey plates and they do go louder than with the EAT KT88's without bottoming out. I believe it's due to the fact the EAT's are a very high transconductance tube. Meaning the EAT's have more control and dynamics. They get pretty d@mn loud - at least for me :-) especially with the TS
The DDC again is for multiple tweeters. My room is 3.66m X 7.93m with the speakers about the middle of the long wall with a vaulted ceiling
c1 sigs are smaler so maybe they dont need ddc...and your room size where the sigs are based is...when i move i will have 4.60x5.80m room...its small to mid space where i mean to keep speakers so your opinion bout dyns would be useful to me...
The DDC is only on speakers with multiple tweeters (C2 C4 and Evidence). Anyhow it is supposed to drastically cut down on the reflection from the ceiling. It's also supposed to sound much better. That being said I was lucky enough to have an 8 day in-home demo with the original C2's and they were too much for my room so I can't really can't comment on that.
"powerful tube amps" that would be ideal but $$$$$...Xti16 im interested in DDC dynaudio directivity control...have you noticed some big difference between old and new model...its been said that this tehnology reduce the energy dispersed to the floor and ceiling by 75%...and how this affect on a sweet spot...
Sorry Raindog031, I do not have direct experience with the C1 although I have listened to it in a system several years ago. Perhaps existing C1 owners could advise, and I presume some may have tried several amps with the speakers before deciding on the ideal one. I think several comments on the Dynaudios earlier have been spot on. They do need quite a bit of power to come alive with their relatively low 4 ohms impedance. Quality watts from high current amplifiers or powerful tube amps would be ideal.
interesting...witch ss integrated would you reccomend Ryder for c1...do you have a favorite...im for mostly neutral sound..maybe a bit warmish side...i dont like too colored sound...for all types of music...Jkuc im interested in the tube sound and i will get them one day...i think c1 with tubes sounds exelent...but i like to push up sometimes and i dont know much bout tubes so i will try to stick to A/B ss integrated with dyns for the beggining...
01-26-12: Jkuc
Actually I rediscovered rock with C1 and Mastersound (didn't sound so great with Plinius).

The Plinius is inherently a warm and smooth sounding amp that has good punch and dynamics. A good match to forward and bright sounding speakers. When music gets busy especially with rock or dynamic music(where lots of transients and dynamic swings are present), the Plinius can't keep up and can sound a tad slow. The Dynaudios are quite neutral and a bit on the warmer side of things, and that may explain why rock didn't sound too good when they are driven by the Plinius. For other types of music ie. vocals and small ensemble jazz etc. there shouldn't be any issue.

I've used a Plinius SA-100MkIII on some Harbeth speakers and similarly find the sound to be lethargic, lacking in sparkle and dynamics especially in rock and dynamic music. In my book the Plinius/Harbeth combination is a bad one(the Harbeth is much warmer sounding than the Dynaudio Confidence C1). The pace and timing seem to be way off. Fortunately I discovered Naim and the Plinius is history.
No pottery wheel (TT) for me.

As for the loudness I noticed that after 700 hrs - a friend asked loud they go and when I turned the volume up to what I was used to with the originals the speakers bottomed out. I had the Octave. I bought my dealers Signatures when they arrived in the USA. Since I had his speakers my dealer had a customer that wanted to hear the new MKII so he had to come to my house. That's when I had the Naim XS to match the customers system (that my dealer brought over). That being said I was using the high transconductance EAT KT88's. Since then one of the EAT's won't hold a consistent bias. For me the EAT's don't seem to be too reliable. Out of a quad and a pair I only have 3 good ones. Best sounding tube when they work. I haven't tried with my Tung Sol 6550 black or grey plates. I may give it a try again after I get home tonight.
I have the original C1. Amazing speakers. I was driving them with Plinius amp, now with Mastersound 845 (30W, class A, tube amp).
Octave is decent amp but Mastersound .... this is what they need. It's true that original C1 sounds best at higher volume level or "normal" level which I get with potentiometer at 9 o'clock. This amp has amazing headroom. Walls start dancing when potentiometer at 11 o'clock (room 30m2+(open).
Rock music sounds great. Actually I rediscovered rock with C1 and Mastersound (didn't sound so great with Plini). Excellent soundstage, layering.. everything. Of course I had to play a bit with tubes to achieve it. And Ayon CD player helps either.
xti witch turntable are you using ( you diddnt told me you have it but i have strong feeling you might been using one on such fine combination) and im interested previous you said that new dyns are little less louder than old model...where you figured that...on your previous ss amp or at the dealer...
If I'm not mistaken only the Consequence UE uses Ocos for internal wiring (maybe the Evidence too). The C1 MKII uses an upgraded version of Van den hul that the original C1's had.

If your looking at Bryston consider the 4bsst and nothing less. I had the B100sst and my sons 3bsst and although good neither had the control the Naim or Octave has. Anyhow take your time because someday you will hear the right one.
yes...i was considering to buy speakers brand new and search for the right amp..amp could be second hand but i want new speakers...i read that dynaudio reccomends ocos cables...and i think that the new confidence are internal wired with ocos...so i will first start with that...heard that bryston got good synergy with dyns but i will try to aim something little better cuz i dont want to change gear much...i want keeper...2 bad i heard that Karan acoustic i180mk2 has bad synergy with dyns...i can get it in half price...quality gear...and puristic design...just what i like...but im hooked up more on dyns than Karan if you get my point...
I agree get to the speakers you want first and worry about the amp and cables later. I bought my amp (Bryston B100sst) before the C1's which worked but only sounded OK.
Xti16 you say acoustical guitar heh...nice nice...i listen alot of stefanovski and tadić acoustical...witch i reccomend to you...live in belgrade...exelent stuff...i think it would be sounding great on your equipmennt...i will not bother you with my amps or speakers becuz they are crappy...far from high fidelty...but i enjoy them 7 years from now...and want to upgrade on speakers i can hold for manny years...i dont have money to experiment and change dozen amps and speakers niether i can listen to all combinations here in croatia so i want take proper speakers and integrated for most kind of music...too bad we are not market...Extravaganza...dont joke on accordion...i listen Tom Waits alot :) thanx for the kind words everyone
speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike

and would be dissapointed when here and ther want to push louder or something and hear thin sound or something.

I don't thing this case ever would happen with dynaudio,the sound is robust and they sound best at louder volume(at least with older version c1)
Raindog031 - I've never measured the db from either speaker (C1 MKII or orig C1's). I don't play loud very often. I would say the loudest would be (if we were standing next to each other) we would have to talk pretty loud to each other.

As far as music I like Jazz - soft and classical rock - new age and some hard rock.

If there was any one instrument I would say that sounds scary real it would be an acoustical guitar. Rock sounds great with them but on the other hand if you like a more forward presentation with rock music consider the Special 25 or possibly the Contour S1.4's. That being said as you know the Confidence line was just improved with the MKII/Signatures and the Focus line was just redone also. Dyn just announced the Xeo and I would think the Contour line may have an update coming soon.

As far as the SimAudio be aware it has great control - fantastic tonal qualities - but also very analytical and somewhat sterile sounding to me. Too much detail that makes me want to listen to the equipment and not the music. You may see/hear different. But that's my opinion of Sim.

What are you currently using for an amp? I had a Naim XS w/the external power supply and it was an excellent combination with great synergy. With either the Naim or the Octave I can make the speakers bottom out before either integrated gives out. I personally got the Octave knowing I can swap tubes and change the sound which is less expensive than new electronics. But if I could afford it I would have Burmester.

By the way my C1 Signatures are Mocha AND I was lucky enough to get a pair of the discontinued black/chrome Stand4's. Great looking combination.
tnx everyone for some guidance...tom i read alot of c1mk1 and aware that they need quality amplifier to give their best...but heard that speaker is not the best solution for rock music (stated form some much experiencer folks out here)
im lisening all kind of music prefering acustical instruments mostly...but sometimes i like to put some heavyer music...so if dyns play rock without any trouble i would be more interested...just to say im not a bass freak...im more music freak heh...and would be dissapointed when here and ther want to push louder or something and hear thin sound or something...and xti16 i must say you have exelent amp...i heard that on some hi fi show was played dyns and octave combo and that played great...but here in croatia we have no octave dealer so i cant experiment with that...im thining on some 300 350 healthy watts in 4 ohm maybe some simaudio ss integrated...when the time comes...dont have money for separates...what music do you listen on dyns and octave at most times...and how much DB loudnes you get with your combo before clipping...
The Signatures do everything very well. After upgrading from the original C1's to the Signatures I found they sound a little clearer from top to bottom. They also play better at lower volumes. I don't think they play as loud as the originals though which for me is fine.

I currently drive my C1 Signatures with an Octave V70SE. Naim XS also pairs up very well with the C1's. The key is good clean current as Tom mentioned. As for pricing the original C1's retailed for 7K with the C1 MKII at 7.5K and Signatures for 8.5K. If considering any of the C1's make sure to get the Stand4 also.
I agree, at this level of performance the Dynaudios are not a one trick pony. The C1s will do justice to whatever you throw at them.(fast, transparent, neutral with very good top and bottom end.) Dynaudio is one of many premier and highly regarded speaker manufacturers. They due require an excellent amp capable of outputting clean high-current into a 4 ohm load,(250-500watts). Hopefully, you knew that when you started looking at a $7K speaker. REALLY?
I hope for seven grand ,all instruments, and voices sound great. Really, this speaker has a huge following of devoted users. There are many professional and customer reviews online.