DVD Audio vs SACD?

Time to buy a DVDE player. One of the questions that is plaguing my mind is the choice of DVD audio or SACD which these days influences the choice of manufacturer. Sony and Phillips has an intent to push SACD while the rest of the world via the record companies are pushing DVD Audio.
I know this answer is not easy and I am sure there are strong opinons out there, I would like to hear them.
So who will be the the winner??

Showing 1 response by rcprince

Rdr4b, there are multichannel SACDs out there now, as I think Sony saw the light and realized that might be the way to get consumers to go for a format other than CD. The dmp and recent Delos releases are 6-channel discs, for example. In answer to the original question, having both an SACD player and a 24/96 transport/DAC combo (no DVD-A player), the winner in my view is the audiophile if either of these formats catches on, as both are significant improvements over standard CDs. My preference is SACD principally because I don't like the fact that due to the software manufacturers I can't use my outboard DAC for DVD-A, so I'd be stuck with a mid-fi machine's internal DAC, and because I'm opposed to the copycode/watermarking practices.