Dusting gear and turntable

I've decided I need to do a better job keeping my gear/rack clean.  Despite the wipe down and vacuum every few months I need a weekly solution.  Looking at a feather duster but I think that is just going to spread stuff around.  Also looking at the Swiffer duster.  Something to help reduce static would be great also.  I remember Millercarbon saying he would wipe everything down with dryer sheets.  I won't be doing that but definitely more frequent cleanings.  Especially on top where the TT sits and dusting the TT itself.

I just did a search and read what I could but any ideas welcome. 



Never use a vacuum cleaner around tubes.....

Never heard this one before - why?



I'll make sure to get after my wife about more frequent vacuuming! LOL

It would be easier to hire a French maid.

My Rega P6 has a dustcover which does a pretty nice job for the TT itself.  I'll grab a swiffer and some fresh micro fiber cloths and be more diligent.

Thanks for the responses


My friend who makes and sells tube amps and other delicate gear uses a paint brush to dust his gear. I am now also following suite. My RAAl VM-1a tube amp for example is almost impossible to clean with most regular methods and a breeze with the soft paint brush.