Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?

As the dust settles on the time the when the Benchmark AHB2 amplifier was a hot topic in the audio world, what is the long term consensus about this amplifier?  

Has it become a mainstay in the audiophile community?  


Showing 6 responses by avanti1960

Thanks to all replies, very interesting.  It does seem that this amplifier has staying power.  

I heard it again at AXPONA this year driving some Aretai stand mount speakers.  Very punchy and clear.  

I am probably going to try one. While I love the sound of my Pass XA25 it is not as transparent as it was billed and at times sounds unnaturally warm and polished.

It took over a year for the XA25 to sound like this as it burned in.

Just trying to decide on two or one. Most likely one for starters.


just trying to get a gauge from people on this site if the AHB2 was a flash in the pan or something worth keeping for quite a while.  audiophile is jut a term.  

there are no shortage of used ones for sale.  


someone who's opinion I trust tried the Peachtree GaN and was not happy with the sound quality.  This in comparison to the many amplifiers he owns and had owned.  


the inquiry was simply asking the AG community if this amplifier "makes the cut" as a worthy part of discriminating audio and music lovers.  The term "audiophile" was used assuming that we would understand its context, not try to define or re-define the meaning.  

Given the huge press and audiophile community buzz initially and following launch, the questions become is it still worthy?  Did it meet expectations?  why or why not? 

nothing more nothing less.  

Given my experiences with it the answer is an undeniable yes but it needs the right preamp to shine.  
