Dump Your 401K, Invest in records

Great article today in the Wall Street Journal:


Man, 700,000 records, the way to go.
Rare and original preserved pressings(of certain groups) and some remasters and 45s can be called investment(if you want to sell it in future) but 5K of 0.39$ records :)...i got bunch of rare records that value got allmost double in five years and i can only say crazy prices today...i dont want to think how much they will cost in about ten years but if i want to sell them all now i dont think it would take more than week or two and would earn a good money...but i dont plan to sell anything...they make me more happy than all money in the world...
How ironic that most of Atlantic reissues are garbage, at least the cheaper jazz reissues, just like the rest. Of all people, with 750,000,000 records, he should know what a well-recorded, well-pressed vinyl record should sound like. At his salary, he can certainly afford a good analog system to appreciate good sound. After reading this article I'd fire him...

This article actually made me rather depressed. The top executive of a major recording company holding himself up as a huge vinyl fan with an insane number of records doesn't even care about the quality of his company's pressings. Depressing.
Our hobby pieces are not an investment. Most of these pieces drop in price the minute you buy them, and that goes for vinyl records. You might have a couple pressings that are classics but the other 99.99% will be worth .10 on the dollar. I still buy used albums in mint condition for $3and $4 each.

Also, its a bunch of bs that there will be a stock market crash, maybe in the next 100 years.
Wow, $35k for a piece of vinyl - you gotta be out of your ever-lovin' mind...

Wow. I happen to have a copy of that Dylan album in stereo. Other than some very light scuffing from sliding, it's perfect. I literally only played it twice in 1979.
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Selling your records and realizing the absolute high price for your valuable record collection requires expertise, skill and, above all patience. This is not for everybody, as evidenced by the extraordinary amount of unsold records on EBay.
The fact that some records are great investments is true and the price of records in general has been rising for the last decade. There are many first edition Jazz records that are now in the 3,000 range.You may in fact have one of these in your collection.
Case in point....A friend was moving some 15 years ago and I was helping him pack up his records.I noticed he had a copy of the "Freewheelin'" Bob Dylan record,a very,very rare record.This was almost perfect and in Stereo.I sold that record for 12,500.00 and that very same record is now valued at 35,000 dollars.
That is a leap in value that can only be compared to fine art.Think about that next time you are selling a 100 lb amplifier.
Given the current conditions of our government's deficit and the
pending stock market crash predictions by the professionals, it may
turn out to be the perfect investment.
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My son asked me just a couple of days ago, why I don't sell
some of my records, (I have a huge collection, although not
as big as the one in the article).

I told him that I was planning on leaving them to him and
that would be his retirement fund.

He got a big grin his face and couldn't quit smiling...