Dumb question - how do you easily insert a photo/image inline with writing text in a post?

when i try to insert an image, i click the 'image' button in the upper buttons zone above the posting space ... but then it asks me for a ’url’...

let's say i have an image in my google drive, or even on my computer local drive...

in my basic e-mail apps, you can attach an image with an ’attach’ button, which a-gon doesn’t provide, or even easier, just ’copy’ and then ’paste’ an image in between blocks of typed text...

i am not the most computer savvy person... any assistance would be gratefully received... :)


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Showing 1 response by asvjerry

.....or just copy the file name of the YT selection and right click paste into this handy box.....

It'd be nice to be able to drag 'n drop from ones' desktop, but perhaps a bad idea in the long run...

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that you can't break..."

(Stupid Girl; Garbage)

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