DTS vs Dolby Digital?

Is one clearly better then the other, more dynamic? clearer? or faster? opinions please...thanks Chad
GENERALLY, DTS sounds a little cleaner because its transfer rate is about double (or better) than DD's. IOW, the DTS track is compressed significantly less.

The 2 also sound different because they're mastered differently, that is, by different people.
Really depends on the attention of the recording/mixing process. All things being equal DTS has a slight edge since the compression algorithims have less loss. In reality buy a processor that does both well and decide for yourself. This is A-B listening at its easiest. HAVE FUN!!!!!
DTS for sure! Dts has 10 db more LFE than Dolby Digital for one. I think DTS has 7 separate encoded layers of info compared to DD. It's been a while since I played with this stuff so I'm a little rusty on the technicals. It is very easy to hear the difference on a decent system. DTS is much cleaner and more dynamic than DD on average.
DTS has a definite technical advantage, but whether or not an individual movie sounds "better" is up to the recording engineer for each film / format being compared. Sean
It is important to note that when DTS and DD are both on a disc, DTS is compressed more so they both will fit.
DTS hands down!! Everyone can be polite and say it "depends" based upon whether the sound mixing engineer had a bad day or not, or give you the technical specs.. but over the years i have always used what I trust the most.. My Own Ears... I have heard more sounds and clearer definition of effects in the DTS versions of Gladiator and Saving Private Ryan..Go buy the movie Underworld.. 1st release was in Dolby Digital. 2rd release is now available in superbit DTS.. Columbia Pictures makes superbit dts recordings.. WWW.SUPERBIT.COM...More expensive version but you'll enjoy it all the more...The movie aside, I haven't come across a DTS version that I didn't like. Can't say that about Dolby Digital.. And to show my softer side.. there are some DD versions of movies that are not too bad, ie THX certified stuff like Star Wars.
Lastly..something to make u go hmmm... There will be a DTS format standard on all high defintion DVD releases. If DTS wasn't such a big deal.. Why not keep dolby digital as your standard for the next generation of dvd format? Manufactueres know, to get you to purchase old movies or new movies in the HD DVD format, they better have sound to boot!!
The biggest difference that I find between the two is that often times, when there is information coming from the surround speakers in DD, I can point to their location without looking. With DTS it seems like I have more speakers as the sound is more enveloping.
Is DD more common that DTS? I'm just rebiulding my HT and have joinned Netflix and I have noticed that all DVDs so far have been DD. I would if they carry DTS versions as well.
I dunno if netflix uses some kind of cheaper way to clone discs to keep cost down, so maybe thats why you havent noticed DTS...but look closely at DVD label you might see one.
Dolby Digital is REQUIRED by the DVD-V format, while DTS is strictly optional. I think Universal uses it more often than other studios. Also, DTS is used only when the original audio material is in at least 5 channels; you'll never see DTS used on a DVD with, for instance, only a 3-channel Dolby Surround track.

I expect Netflix issues the same original discs that we can buy or rent; they just don't pay attention to whether a disc includes a DTS track. Simply cycle thru the Audio options when the movie starts to see if DTS is there.

I agree with Flemingjrd--DTS sounds better.
no comparison: [b]DTS[/b]!! For every 20 DVDs, there may be one DD that has a recording that is equal or better than DTS...19/20 DTS will blow it out of the water...and that my friends, is the truth.

Show me a DD recording that will even come close to a DTS track from a Superbit DVD or a, say "Lord of the Rings" type DTS track.......you show me one, and lunch is on me!
Dolby Digital is better because

1. Home Dolby Digital is the same format as theatrical Dolby Digital. Home DTS is a different animal. With Dolby Digital you're more likely to get an original sound track that hasn't been altered to trade realism for more exciting surround use. You're less likely to have something compressed (I've seen 15dB) to sound good at low playback levels and on systems that can't handle theatrical SPL peaks. These mastering differences also mean you can't compare the two.

2. Dolby Digital has meta-data indicating the average program level. The license requires decoders to respect this. The average volume doesn't change when you punch up a different movie or playback a trailer.

3. Dolby Digital has meta-data describing how to apply intelligent dynamic compression. The license requires decoders to provide this as a user control. DTS doesn't. So there are lots of situations where DTS forces you to loose the fine details - high SPLs aren't compatable with sleeping people, the noise floor with earbuds on airplanes masks soft sounds even when you turn it up, etc.

Comparing bit rates also doesn't tell you anything. DV video is 25Mb/second. ATSC can be 19.2Mb/second. The HD signal looks much better in spite of the lower bit rate.
My HK receiver forces DD unless I switch to an analog connection. I called their tech support and that is because it is supposedly defaults to the best sound when in a digital connection mode.
>My HK receiver forces DD unless I switch to an analog >connection.

Your HK receiver plays whatever the source outputs.

Nearly all DVD audio tracks are encoded with Dolby Digital.

From the digital output, your DVD player can be configured to output these tracks unaltered or down-mix that to 2-channels. The LFE channel is probably misssing from the down-mix.

It will output 44.1Khz PCM from CDs and 48KHz PCM from DVDs with PCM tracks . It will probably down-convert 96KHz PCM DVD tracks to 48KHz. PCM tracks on DVDs are nearly non-existant.

It may have an option to enable DTS on the digital outputs.

From the stereo analog outputs, your DVD player can output down-mixed Dolby Digital and PCM sources.

It may have built-in Dolby Digital and DTS decoders with multi-channel outputs. These probably offer fewer bass management options than your receiver.
24/96 DTS? What's the deal here? Is this the new proposed DTS format, or do they already offer this?