DSD coming to Qobuz streaming?

It looks like DSD files will soon stream on Qobuz - this may take some of the wind out of the sails of HDTracks and MQA. Some DSD recordings are already available for download, such as this classic from Boston.

I checked with Qobuz directly and was told there will be "an official announcement soon."

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Showing 2 responses by redlenses03

Part of this depends on how "deep" one wants to get into DSD. Correct that the number of native DSD is small in comparison (still a lot available though) even more so with the style/genre you like.

However, the vast majority of users? at least in what I see/experience, is upsampling PCM > DSD (128-512+) AND using HQPlayer with its fantastic modulaters/sampling.

So this workflow is where things get either a bit more involved, but not crazy complicated, to fairly in-depth / involved chain - but with great results. Using HQP along with some of the well known players (mainly used for library mgmt) and an HQP NAA endpoint > DAC (USB or I2s).

There are many threads on HQP + NAA that going beyond the scope here, but offer a lot of info. The advantages are solely personal preference and the ones doing PCM > DSD obviously prefer that "method" and SQ.  One has to experience it with the right setup/DAC.  It is very good, but again a little more "techy" involved. 

Streaming DSD or more DSD downloads made available to many in the DSD camp would be a very welcome addition


Nope, my reference was pointing to a upsampling range that is most "popular", either 128 to 512 upsampling rates (higher is possible, but again getting into the weeds on this).  Much of this depends on the HQP modulators used which is very dependent on your dedicated hardware (e.g.processor) that is running only HQP (the embedded image is best IMHO).