Dr. Feickert Analogue Woodpecker turntable

This weekend I brought home a new turntable -- a very classy looking Dr. Feickert Analogue Woodpecker. It was a breeze to set up, as it is really a well designed, well made product.

But what surprised me the most was the very noticeable jump in the sound quality. I originally decided to buy this turntable because I was having trouble installing my Jelco SA-750 10 inch tonearm on my Systemdek IIX turntable. And since Dr. Feickert Woodpecker has a brilliant sliding docking for installing any tonearm up to 12 inch long, I thought at the very least I'll extend the life span of the stylus on my cartridge.

I wasn't expecting such stunning improvement in the sound quality. I was of the opinion that my Systemdek, which is modded and very well maintained, is basically as good as any other table. But no, Woodpecker really left Systemdek in the dust!

Goes to show that turntable really, really matters in the vinyl reproduction equation. The better the table gets, the less distorted the sound becomes. Moral of the story: go with the best turntable you can afford.


Showing 1 response by lewm

In defense of Jason, I think he meant to be in total agreement with Mijostyn and ghd. Any turntable fits his metaphor. The goal is to make the TT as insensitive as possible to “seismographic” disturbances. This is analog gospel.