Most systems are not at a level to render all recordings as preferentially better. That is why so many complain. If some recordings sound worse, you haven't built a good enough system, and or have made at least one major mistake building it.
"Revealing " is never a problem in a superior system, just as definition, clarity etc. Would you wish to hear less of the recording holistically? Then you are not seeking HiFi, but nostalgia or something else.
In use of ESL speakers in dozens of rigs, and in constant comparison to other genres, the particular system determines which speaker/genre is most revealing. Many poorer systems are built out of mistaken belief that the genre is inherently more revealing. Not in use.
"Revealing " is never a problem in a superior system, just as definition, clarity etc. Would you wish to hear less of the recording holistically? Then you are not seeking HiFi, but nostalgia or something else.
In use of ESL speakers in dozens of rigs, and in constant comparison to other genres, the particular system determines which speaker/genre is most revealing. Many poorer systems are built out of mistaken belief that the genre is inherently more revealing. Not in use.