Douk Audio. Any experience with any of their products?

I've seen several products under this name on eBay in recent history, including a tube preamp board that looks pretty impressive. Especially for the money.   They reference a pretty exotic Audionote preamp in the title.  

Douk Kondo Audionote

I noticed the url on the board, and decided to find out more. Turns out the entire website is blank. Assuming this was an error, I messaged the seller.

I was interested in learning more about the Kondo board, and tried the website to see what info was there, and I get a blank page. Just fyi."

I thought they might appreciate the heads up about the error. Instead, I received this response:
"Hi dear customer
wish you have a nice day
the amp board designed by our designers
so you cant find it
best regards
Douk-Amy :)"

Not exactly a confidence builder. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had direct experience with these folks.

Showing 1 response by bpoletti

I got their DAC on Ebay.  Quite impressive.  I'm very satisfied.  Integrates well into my all-Herron Audio electronics.  I use an Onkyo CD player as a transport, co-ax works better than optical.  Intend to integrate a PC as a streaming source to the DAC.

I understand they made some recent modifications to their DAC power supply, so their current performance might not be the same as previous.