Don’t want to freak you out…

You know, after reading endless posts about this and that…

I'd like you to turn on your system on and put your fingers behind your upper ear lobes and bring them forward an 1/8th of an inch or so …

Maybe what you have really been looking for all of these years are differently shaped ears?


Here we go!  For this exact issue I found a vendor and paid the really reasonable price for a couple of pair of EarGlasses:

The things really work.  Easy to put on and take off and I am most pleased.

Cheap and functional!

My hearing is not great so when I'm in a crowded restaurant trying to hear someone across the table, I cup my ears. It works really good. And, yes, I've done it with music with excellent results as well.

For those who would use wood, I'd guess if you contact Cardas they'd build you some out of that fancy Myrtle wood, but they wouldn't be cheap. I'm sure the sound difference wouldn't be subtle. 🎶