Don Scott Specially Modified Marantz Tuner?

I'm seriously considering purchasing the modified Marantz ST6000P tuner that Don Scott offers on the tuner information site.

Does any one own one of these ST6000Ps or other Don Scott
specially modified tuners?

He certainly has quite a reputation in terms of tuner knowledge.

I'll appreciate any replies!

As a follow up, I bought a Marantz ST 6000 modified by Don Scott and I couldn't be more pleased. The sound, "pulling power" and especially the stereo seperation are FANTASTIC! Especially on reasonably strong signals you'd be hard pressed to distinguish CD from FM.

An added bonus, Don Scott is one of the nicest and most decent people to do business with you will ever meet.

HIGHLY recommended!

"Cdc" you've made my day...!
What a mine of gold that site is. One keeps on learning,
that's for sure. Thanks!!!
And what a nice surprise, how they apreciate the 3001A.
Jstones, Don Scott is at
These are informative sites. Link may not be quite right.
I have a Tandberg 3001A and would like to contact Don.
Could anybody, give me a link?
BTW, in Stereophile vol. 20, #5, Mr. Don Scott rates his
dream tuners. The 3001A is not among them. Well, matter of
taste, I guess. But then again neither is Day Sequerra!!!
Instead, Harman Kardon Citation 23, is considered to be
(above) and a dream tuner. Did he have a bad day...?
I've bought one from Don almost 6 months ago. What a great set of modifications, and I live in Los Angeles where I have no problems getting reception! Add a Fanfare antenna, and you've got a GREAT tuner set-up.
I recently purchased a Marantz ST6000 modified by Don Scott. He is honest and great to work with, and I highly recommend this unit. I live in a rural mountainous area and have interest only in stations 30-120+ miles distant and thus require a tuner with excellent selectivity and sensitivity. His modified ST6000 did the trick, and the sound is very nice as well. He also added a stereo blend knob on the back of the unit to decrease noise on distant stations without going entirely mono. I initially was interested in an analog tuner (MD, etc.), but I am now very happy with this one. It has a remote, station presets (which I thought I would never use, but I now use extensively), AM, and dual 75 ohm antenna inputs. The dual inputs are actually quite handy; I run one directional antenna in my attic pointed towards my most used station, and a second omnidirectional antenna for quick surfing. It also has a digital signal input strength meter in 1 dB increments, although you have to press a button to flip over from the clock function. On a final note, Don went out of his way to make sure the unit was entirely to his liking before he sent it out to me.
I will say this, Don Scott went out of his way to try to do me a trmendous courtesy just recently, and made no money from it. No charge nothing, nada, and I know he put a few houres time into this task. Very few people left in this business(hell, any business) like that. So what I am satying is that if the quality of the man is reflected in the quality of his work, you cannot go wrong with it.
I highly recommend any tuner modified by Don Scott. I purchased a Don Scott modified Kenwood KT-45 and it outperforms all of my other tuners. I will be sending him my two other tuners for Don Scott mods...

Don's customer service and attention to detail are second to none. You won't be disappointed.
I have heard the stock model and it performs great for the price. Don could only make it better. Don's mods on the Marantz include adding a Hi-Blend, which is missing on a stock model, the same as the Mitsubishi.

Also read the HiFi Choice review. They gave it a Best Buy. They also openned it up and found the electronics inside to be as good as the $600 to $1000 tuners they were also reviewing in that issue. Just the case and cosmetics were of cheaper quality (should be for the price). The link is:


Don modified a Mitsubishi tuner for me recently and did a terrific job. The captive power cord was replaced with an IEC receptacle, the captive interconnect was replaced with quality RCA's, and he also installed a high-blend
control, getting rid of most of the noise in stereo mode. Don also did a great job in cleaning the tuner up, it looks as new. Very knowledgable, pleasant, and fair gentleman. All in all a very cost effective upgrade, I'd recommend anyone with an interest in tuners consider get in touch with Don.