Does this preamp exist?


I'm looking for a stereo, tubed preamp with the following features:

*excellent mm/mc phono stage
*headphone output (or two tape loops)
*at least three line-level inputs plus at least one tape loop
*used price of 1,500$ or less

Right now I have a Audible Illusions 2D which I like a lot more than the Conrad Johnson PV10 that preceeded it (though the CJ was not without its charms). So sonically something similar to the AI.

If you can think of any possibilities, please let me know. And thanks again.

Showing 3 responses by c123666

I would urge you to consult a qualified technician familiar with Tandberg products. I just had a pretty bad experience with a Tandberg 3008A. One tech said he will no longer take them in for service due to extremely costly replacement parts from Tandberg; many of the parts of proprietary Tandberg and NOT cheap. Labour costs can be quite high as they were not built with ease of service in mind.
note the BAT uses quite few tubes that can run into material money to upgrade to quality NOS units
Be warned; the AI Mod 3a runs its triode tubes "hot" and is picky about tubes used. I blew a pair of NOS tubes overnight; nothing wrong with them. Most owners say only get your tubes from AI and Upscale audio. This is a known issue; so, your use of quality NOS tubes is severely restrained.