Does it matter the wire gauge used in interconnects?

I am thinking of trying my hand on building some DIY interconnects. It will be balanced (XLR) and 10 feet long. I have seen interconnects made with thin 30 gauge wire, is there an advantage using super thin gauge wire?
I was thinking of using 20 gauge but is that too thick for interconnects?


Showing 2 responses by nonoise

Back in 1990, when I had Stan Warren mod by Philips CD-80, he told me to just go to a jewelers store and get some thin, high quality silver wire and use an oversized sheath (I forget which terminations he reco'd). 

All the best,
The gauge of the wire in my Darwin ICs are somewhere in the 20s. I believe they get thinner the higher up you go in the line. I'm talking human hair thin (22GA) and was told that it's very labor intensive and part of their secret. 

The same weight reduction can be seen in their terminations: they look like it's all pared down to just what is necessary to get a good grip on the RCA connector. Again, very labor intensive. 

The results are the best see-thru, transparent ICs I've used. Over time I worked my up their line by watching for specials and discounts. Worth a look.

All the best,