Does IN Player Upsampling Benefit Older CDs More Than Newer CDs?

Assuming the mastering is good on both -in your opinion-does In player Upsampling (Denon DCD-A110,Marantz KI Ruby) benefit older (early 90s CDs and older) as opposed to newer (early 2000s and later) ?


Older '80s (bought in the '80s) CDs sometimes benefit from engaging De-Emphasis if you have the facility on your player or DAC, because they can sound muddy compared to more recent CDs.

Otherwise there is no hard and fast rule it's all down to personal taste. Personally I don't use up-sampling but I have found IMHO that up-sampling to DSD sounded best.

Based on my own experiments, it's not the age of the recording, it's the age of the DAC.


New DAC's perform much better with plain Redbook than old dacs, but still may show slightly more sparkle with upsampling.