Does Apple Lossless + iTunes + Windows = Perfect

Hi... I was about to start the process of converting all of my CD's to Apple Lossless in iTunes. I was planning on loading a 60gb iPod with the music as well as purchasing a Squeezebox for home listening, both in Lossless. I am running a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop with Windows XP.

After doing research on this forum and adioasylum it looks like my project has come to a hault. Apparently, there is something called Kmixer in Windows that upsamples the music when it is recorded. According to users this has a negative effect on the music. Currently, iTunes can't circumvent it. Therefore, it's my understanding that the Apple Lossless copy on my hard drive would be of inferior quality than the CD.

So many questions... Don't know where to begin... I was hoping those with experience in PC audio could address my concerns: (1) The people at Apple say that iTunes with sound better over Mac? (2) I was really wanting to start on this project, should I put it off and let the format wars go on for another year or so? (3) Is all of this not really going to make an audible sound difference?

Please help me clear all of this up...Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by mdp0430

Additonally, (4) is iTunes the only way to get music on an iPod that will retain song informatin (ie. cover art, titlte, etc)? (5) This one is non-audio but video related. I have Mpegs/Divx videos that I have downloaded from the internet over the years (old saturday night live skits, funny commercials, etc.). Would I be able to watch those on the latest iPod video? Would there be some conversion that is required?

Thanks again!

Thank you for taking the time to lay out this information so eloquently. I appreciate it big time! Those links are very informative.

Just to recap, I'll have to have uncompressed EAC files and the same files in Apple Lossless on the external hardrive. Then, I can put them into the iPod whichever way I like... Being that I'm going to use the iPod I believe that I have to move the files into it via iTunes, right? If so, I'd probably just stick with that rather than Foobar. Additionally, I think that I would have to use SlimServer with the SqueezeBox anyway.

Any progress in getting your questions resolved? I wish that I could help.

Thanks again.