Does anyone play two pairs of speakers at the same time?

I have found that certain combinations of speaker pairs produce a better sound than the single pair alone. For example: Klipsch Quartets and PSB Image 4T (new tweeters from Vifa) Quartets inside pair and volume matched to PSBs. I have done this over the years and found some great combinations.

Showing 2 responses by rocray

If you are not running 2 amps off of your pre,(providing the pre has multiple outputs) isn't the amp seeing potentially damaging low impedance?   
I have to admit,when I first read this thread I cringed. Then I started to think about this hobby. Sound is very personal. We all literally hear differently. We all may agree that a train sounds like a train,but that's about where it ends. If stacking speakers,or running 6 pairs next to your chair,or whatever gives you the sound you're looking for,then you have slayed the dragon. (For now at least!) lol!!. 
  I know sometimes I get too caught up on what my perception of right and wrong is. However, we are all different. Some of you may hear my system and hurl chunks. It all boils down to enjoying the music,and the gear choices you make.

      Enjoy the ride,