Does anyone do speaker mods?

This really might be a stupid question, but I have a pair of Dynaudio 140's and C1's. I LOVE my C1's but dont want to spend a ton to get another pair. I love the size of the 140's but want the Esotar 2 tweeter and maybe upgrade the crossover and woofer up to the next level... Contour etc. I also understand that for only a few hundred more I could get the S1.4 etc... but the style doesnt suit me. As I said... I know it sounds stupid... but I had to ask.
Speaking as someone who builds speakers, I wouldn't say that removing the crossovers and sending them somewhere is very simple. Especially for those who have never opened up their speakers.

Jsadurni, I disagree that a better tweeter will be more efficient. It is completely driver dependent. Some are efficient, some are not. In addition to needing to potentially pad the tweeter (which is a good point) the crossover point could need to change. Which means complete crossover redesign on the tweeter side assuming it is a parallel crossover. If it is a series crossover, good luck. Some tweeters can cross low, some can not. You would have to know the optimal crossover point and find a driver that met those specifications. No simple task.

For the majority of speakers, we're talking about a few screws and a positive and negative wire to each speaker piece (tweeter, mid, woofer, etc.)

I don't think that's very difficult. You just have to make sure that you label the positive and negative wires and to which speaker piece they go to. Many xover PCB's have the labels on the PCB as well (to which speaker piece they go to.

Again, not very difficult. Pretty straight forward if you ask me. Heck, my 12yr and 14yr old sons understand it and have helped me from time to time.
I have a pair of Mirage M1's and I modified them by replacing the internal copper wiring with DH LABS Q10 Silver coated wire. The difference was amazing the pace tone improved dramaticly and the Bass was a big improvment. At first it was a little bright, but after it burned in, it smoothed out and sounded much more detailed!! It was a major improvment. Bob at audionut gave me a great deal on the cableing and lots of trusted advice on how to accomplish the task with out any problems. Id call him for any questions on speaker mods, or you can google him.
I've noticed modding speakers hurts their resale. For example people mod Klipsch speakers all the time but I notice when they sell them they seem to go for much less than comparable unmodded in equal condition. Something to think about.

I would respectfully disagree. Klipsch speakers with upgraded xovers almost always sell for more than a non-upgraded Klipsch speaker (everything else being equal).

Another thing to consider here (specifically with Klipsch speakers), it that they sound WAY better after having the xover upgraded. So a person seriously considering selling their non-upgraded Klipsch speakers would most likely reconsider selling their upgraded Klipsch speakers.

I'm saying this from first hand experience with my multiple pairs of Klipsch speakers. They are the ONLY original audio purchase that I still use today. Point is, that I don't have to worry about resale. But if I did, I bet they would sell for more than a pair without upgraded xovers.