Does anyone answer e-mail? Hello?

I'm new to AudiogoN, having signed on to facilitate purchasing some equipment to round out a couple of my systems, as well as partake of all the experience others have. Out of the last 13 e-mails I have sent to sellers inquiring about their components for sale, exactly TWO have responded. Is this the norm for this board? If so, I'm better off on e-bay. I'm very disappointed to find that noone seems very interested in selling the equipment they list. Has this been anyone else's experience, or am I missing something here?

Showing 1 response by bmpnyc

I have received email for around 95% of my Audiogon inquiries for over 3 years, so something isn't right in your situation, or it's just a fluke. Vdub, some of the classiest people interested in A/V are members here, as you will see in time. Welcome. Martin