Does alcohol impair appreciation of sound?

Curious to know how alcohol effects other audiogon members when they are listening to music. For me, seems the frequencies become dull and I find myself wanting to mess around with the controls.

Showing 1 response by ptss

I await Alberts discovery, meanwhile;
I love a drink with a listening session.
Savoring the aroma and and richness of French
Brandy while having the luxury of Chamber Music
of a Master beautifully played and elegantly
reproduced by a system that reveals every nuance
allows me to feel like a King. As to amount; as Brandy
is best enjoyed warmed and sipped, I find no desire
to to drink to excess. As the warmth of the Brandy enhances my bodily sensations and relaxes my mind I am soon
overtaken by the music. I often find Brandy
in the glass after a listening session where I have been
transported to the world of a genius. Cheers...