Does a Lumin App for Windows 11 exist..?

Does a Lumin App for a PC running Windows 11 exist ? So far, I can only use my tablet or phone. Using my laptop would be better for viewing with its larger screen (17") and my old eyesight.



Showing 13 responses by ozzy

So, for reasons I can’t seem to explain, today, all of the tracks on my playlists are showing up.



Oh, major problem. It will only play playlists up to 30 songs. Some of my Lumin playlists are close to 2000 songs!


Just got this reply from AudioShark

ozzy, it has been mentioned a few times already but have you tried the Linn Kazoo app from the Windows App store?

TRIED IT, and it does seem to work with Windows!

I still need to get more familiar with it, but so far so good.

I’m so happy, like a pig in... well you know?


Many on the What's Best Forum have offered some band-aid ideas, but none have worked for me. 


I am disappointed that Lumin doesn’t seem to be interested. I was hoping they would at least respond with " we will look into it"

But no, nothing.


Boy has Lumin given me a bunch of crap. They claim with this or that Frankenstein add on, etc. then maybe, Lumin will work on a PC but at your own risk.

What a bunch of nonsense.

Come on Lumin, your products are not inexpensive, just provide a straight download for Windows 11!


I did! I ended up purchasing the biggest iPad I could find a 12"+. It was a pretty expensive remote control.

Lumin, not everyone wants to use their phone to play music.


Thanks for the help. It looks like my only choice is to use my I-pad with the small screen.


I don’t think it will work with a PC, thus my questions. Looks like it will work with Mac, Androids but no PC.

I sent a message to Lumin and got a strange reply that I don’t understand. Either my question was deemed not important or confusing. I think it is a straight question.

Can a PC running Windows 11 download the Lumin app? Not using some other Frankenstein method to maybe get it to function.



Thank you for that explanation. I hope something can get done. I am surprised that no one else has had this question, the component has been around several years now.



Thanks. I wish they did. It seems strange to me to not include PC users.

I sent a message to Lumin, hopefully they will reply.


So, without a reply, should I assume that the Lumin player cannot be used on a PC running windows 11? 
