Do your ears deceive you?

If you think cables, interconnects or other wiring make a difference, yes they do. This is a long article so I won't post it here but will a link describing how blind testing results in correct guessing that is no more accurate than random chance. Enjoy.


Blind testing

Post removed 

"Ummm......I’ll have the Quantum Tunnel tostadas’ with the Quark Sauce.....and a cup of black matter, no matrix...."

The only audio jewelry I recognize.... that which it presents in my presence.... ;)

If it isn't the music, why bother?

Flat earth....🤨

"The universe is laughing behind your back....."

I'll do it to your face.....hard to find one beyond mere clueless....


@steakster Remarkable...You think that small companies are manipulating quantum mechanics and electrodynamics in their little shops in the backyard, and scammers like Ted Denney, a high school dropout with no technical training is "Quantum Tunneling" his products, and I am the flat-earther.

Your ability to be taken in by the most ridiculous claims is the reason the scam audio jewelry industry exists.

I don’t know the person mentioned above but this pseudo-science term "quantum-tunneling" cracks me up. His product(s) must belong to the category of "extreme snake oil".



Of course your ears can deceive you. Your mind can play tricks on

what you "want to hear" as opposed to what is really being played. This will largely depend on your age and hearing, but no question about your mind playing tricks on what you "want" to hear.

Well expressed and very true!!!