There is NO system that sounds real...or is truth telling. All you can achieve is a reasonable, if that, facsimile of what was recorded. The only difference between one system to another is they all sound different. Like a dog chasing his tail or the proverbial merry go round. Just be happy your not listening to a boom box. Otherwise you will end up in the Nut house. Also, unless you were in the recording studio at the time the recording was layed down to tape, how are you supposed to know how it was intended to sound? You can’t....people are wasting a whole lot of money swapping and selling in an attempt to achieve what is not possible. Like a few say here, just enjoy the music, and buy more of it, meaning buy more physical media. Sorry, streaming is not for me, except to find or discover new music.
Do you trust your system?
I was constantly upgrading gear, demoing songs, reading reviews, trying to find out why I had the feeling that the song I was playing shouldn’t sound the way it does. Something off or lacking, I luckily found a set of equipment and a room setup that if a song is off, it’s likely recorded that way. I trust my system to do a decent job. I wonder do others get to a point where they are more critical of mastering techniques than something wrong with their equipment? Admittedly, it’s easier to say how a piece of gear or cable made some significant difference, but in what exactly since the music sources are so wildly manipulated by engineers?