Do you like Jazz?

I like jazz and enjoy a local volunteer radio station in NYC, WKCR. WKCR will be playing 24 hours of Ornette Coleman all day Thursday March 9 and 24 hours of Bix Beiderbecke on Friday March 10, 2006. These are 2 of the annual 14 birthday broadcasts that pre-empt regular programming on WKCR on those days. WKCR is at 89.9 FM in the New York area and online at
Happy listening.

Showing 2 responses by audphile1

Theduke, thanks!!!!! I'll check it out. Heard they play some good stuff once in a while.
which radio station in NYC has program called "New Sounds" or something like that. I heard this program is pretty good, but don't know which station and what time. thanks