Do you all agree when Prince said the 60s, 70s and 80s were the golden ages of music?

So I came across this interview today and it dates back to 2011. Prince felt the 60s-80s were the golden ages of music when artists played their instruments, wrote their own songs and actually had to perform (those were his reasons).

I posted it and if you watch from 7:40 you’ll see what I mean.

What do you all think?

Showing 1 response by audioman58

I would say the evolution of many music types evolved starting in the 40-50s
classic Rock for sure cemented itself in the classics book 
beginning in the 60s  ,but back up a minute ,the greats 
like Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton  ,got their roots from greats from the 50s-40s The Blues,Muddy waters comes to mind ,          Buddy guy . Albert king just to name a few , the Beatles, Rolling Stones and many others all got their roots from the Blues artist mainly Black that were not promoted on the radio much back then , it took ground breaking artists 
like Little Richard, Fats Domino , and even Nat king Cole who was severely beaten up by whites for playing songs that whites had made down south in the 50s. We have Evolved and come along way👍 Screw all this new cancel culture, we are still the worlds melting pot of many cultures. That being said this administration 
needs to stop the flood gates of illegals coming in this is supposed to be a democracy,Thst being said,  Music 🎼 🎶 is what soothes the soul and that quiet spot to just escape everything and relax ,Amen !!