Do we really need anything greater than 24/96? Opinions?

It's really difficult to compare resolutions with different masterings, delivery methods, sources, etc. I have hundreds of HI-rez files (dsd, hi bit rate PCM, etc). I have to say that even 24/44 is probably revealing the best a recording has to offer. Obviously, recording formats, methods, etc all play a huge role. I'm not talking preferred sources like vinyl, sacd, etc. I'm talking about the recordings themselves. 

Plus, I really think the recording (studio-mastering) means more to sound quality than the actual output format/resolution. I've heard excellent recorded/mastered recordings sound killer on iTunes streaming and CD. 



Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

Hi @cheeg

I had an ARC DAC 8 - It absolutely needed hi rez files to sound less than murky.

The Mytek Brooklyn I have now does a really great job with Redbook and Internet radio.
But since then a number of DAC’s, if not most, no longer have such a disaprity between redbook and hi rez files.

I am a broken record on this, but:. Not anymore. 

About 10 years ago DACs got MUCH better at playing Redbook. The need for hi rez vanished.

Try listening to Redbook on a vintage DAC, vs a lot of modern units.