Do the original JM Reynaud Bliss hold up today?

Hi! I'm glad I found this forum while researching the Blisses as they seem to be somewhat known around here. I found a pair of pre owned original Bliss today for around $500. I have found a ton of good pairs around that price pre owned but I'm intrigued by the Blisses. Do they still hold up today? Is it a good trade for me?



Are you kidding? These are wonderful speakers. I would out them up with Triangle Comete Esprit or some Revel

Thats great! I think I’ll head over for a demo then. It’s a couple of hours drive but it might be worth it. I was just curious since I couldn’t find any info on the original bliss, only the new Silver and Jubilé versions and I got the impression that they were HUGE improvements over the original.

The only review of the standard Bliss I'm aware of is one by Nelson Brill for Stereo Times from 12 years ago.  His description fits my experience with six different pairs of Reynaud's including the Bliss Jubilee.


I see. I'll need to read the review. I kind of dismissed it while I stumbled upon it earlier as it struck me as a bit pretentious. Im very new to this part of the hifi corner so im not used to the language. How does a speaker from reynauds sound compared to more commercial speakers of today? I have a brand new pair of elac debut 6.2 on its way but as I said, im very intrigued by the Bliss.

It was hard enough getting past "miniature garden of delight" in the review linked above, but as someone who lived in SF for 10 years, his prose regaling the delights of the city prevented me from reading further.  The prose is closer to Hallmark than City Light Books.

Anyway...I owned the Offrandes for about 3 years, and auditioned the Evo 3's.  I think of the Reynauds as very natural sounding, and having great tone, but a little sluggish.  Great for slow to mid tempo jazz, but not as great for driving rock.

Lol, yeah it honestly reads like a parody. Its kind of gold in that way. It does get better after the first paragraph though and you can tell he actually knows about the company. Thanks for your input regarding the brand. Guess I’ll just have to demo them as I’m not entirely sure what kind of sound I’m after at the moment